Today, it rained. ALL DAY. While everyone else was scurrying around like mice, darting from building to building, brandishing umbrellas, wellies and rain slickers, trying to stay dry, one single, solitary man in the city of New York seemed completely immune to the pouring rain, and in fact, appeared to openly taunt Mother Nature by exhibiting complete disregard for the weather surrounding him (and indeed, beating right down on him!).
Holly, Ally, Jesse and I set out for our rainy day favourite, The Daily Soup, at lunch today, and as we rounded the corner in front of our building, Holly and I see something quite strange which makes us do a double take.
There is a rather normal looking guy in khakis, collared shirt (tie completely askew) and windbreaker, standing at the corner in front of one of those standard newspaper vending boxes. Above his head, he is holding what used to be a complete umbrella, but which is now simply the metal skeleton of an umbrella without a speck of actual umbrella fabric anywhere to be found. He is soaking wet. (Duh.) He is also casually flipping through a newspaper which he has laid out on top of the newspaper box, at just below his chest level. The newspaper is, of course, just as wet as he is and flips in clumps instead of page by page.
There are a lot of (ahem) interesting people in New York, so this guy could have been anyone, but we were wondering if this is some sort of rainy day prank for the Letterman show (which tapes right across the street from our office).
Somebody needs to stay up tonight and see.
(We never did see what happened with the tubing they ran from our Jamba Juice, across Broadway and into the Ed Sullivan theater... There's always something interesting going on in our neighbourhood.)
Holly, Ally, Jesse and I set out for our rainy day favourite, The Daily Soup, at lunch today, and as we rounded the corner in front of our building, Holly and I see something quite strange which makes us do a double take.
There is a rather normal looking guy in khakis, collared shirt (tie completely askew) and windbreaker, standing at the corner in front of one of those standard newspaper vending boxes. Above his head, he is holding what used to be a complete umbrella, but which is now simply the metal skeleton of an umbrella without a speck of actual umbrella fabric anywhere to be found. He is soaking wet. (Duh.) He is also casually flipping through a newspaper which he has laid out on top of the newspaper box, at just below his chest level. The newspaper is, of course, just as wet as he is and flips in clumps instead of page by page.
There are a lot of (ahem) interesting people in New York, so this guy could have been anyone, but we were wondering if this is some sort of rainy day prank for the Letterman show (which tapes right across the street from our office).
Somebody needs to stay up tonight and see.
(We never did see what happened with the tubing they ran from our Jamba Juice, across Broadway and into the Ed Sullivan theater... There's always something interesting going on in our neighbourhood.)
Photo credit: Holly and her camera phone
It's been raining here all week, but can't say I've seen anything like this. That being said, I did see an older man, grey haired, last night on my way home who was wearing white spandex leggings with a cream coloured cape /coat and white gloves. Definitely did a double take, but think your story takes the cake!
Holly definitely captured his good side. :)
Thanks for the photo cred. ;) That story just must be accompanied by a visual!!
I love it... nothing like living in denial.
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