Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Gone to the Dogs

Why did I rent an orange Mitsu Eclipse and wander off into rural Pennsylvania, you ask? Why, to go to a dog show, of course!

As many of you know, my Mom is an extremely well-known and accomplished breeder of Miniature Schnauzers (aw!!) and she made the pilgrimage to PA for the weekend for one of the biggest show weekends of the season. Since she was so close, I went down to visit her and her friend, Heather, for the day.

When I was little, I used to travel with my Mom to shows quite often, but up until last weekend, I hadn't been to one in well over ten years. It was fun to watch the proceedings and field emails from friends who all wanted to know "Is it REALLY like that movie 'Best in Show'?"

Best of all was getting to see my Mom stateside and to have the opportunity to see another good family friend, Joan, whom I haven't seen in over 15 years.

Pic above is from the Miniature Schnauzer ring at the Montgomery County show.


Cathy K said...

How cool is that! Ages ago Jim and I took one of Peggy's SCWT to a show in Philadelphia--it was awesome (we saw a ring with over 60 English Mastiffs).

That's fabulous you got to visit with mom and have some fun.

Shari said...

Yep, pretty cool. Had never been to Montgomery, so that was fun and it was such a treat to see Mom. There were actually more familiar faces there than I expected. And it made me want to get a dog even more. :)