Sunday, December 2, 2007

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow

I have a sinking feeling that this winter is not going to be as mild and managable as last year's. Right on cue, snow has appeared to usher in the month of December. (Last year, we managed to make it through much of January before the snow started gracing us with its presence.) While yesterday was a bright and sunny (but chilly) day, today the city is waking up to a blanket of the white stuff and it is currently about 22 degrees. Ugh. I have to go out to run some errands and I am procrastinating like you wouldn't believe.


Cathy K said...

We had our first big snowfall.. and now it's freezing rain on top. Oh well, the temp should be up to plus 8 or 9 (celsius; about 46 Fahrenheit) later on in the day and should melt--eventually.

Vancouver and the coast have flood warnings.

Shari said...

I saw some of the coverage on the news -- it looks bad in the PNW.

I'm starting to forget what Celsius is. :-)