I haven't heard what the high temperature actually was in New York today, but it was projected to be in the high 60's by the guys on the radio and Weather.com was actually showing a predicted high of 70. Wha?? Does Mother Nature know that it's theoretically still the middle of winter?
I flew back to NY this morning on a redeye from San Francisco and it was certainly pleasant not to need my heavy, wool winter coat (which, by the way, I have been dragging around with me all over the continent now for over two weeks and honestly didn't end up really needing it ANYWHERE, not even in Calgary at Christmas). I actually almost had to ask my driver to turn on the A/C for the drive into the city from JFK, but I refrained simply out of respect for the calendar date.
What's so great about you is that you're always respectful of the calendar. Such class!
Are you being a smart ass? If the time stamp wasn't on this, I would think you wrote this last night after our margarita fest. :)
Yes. Smart ass.
No. Drunk.
Last night? Passed out. So much food. So much tequila. So much fun.
SO much fun! I'll text you in a bit about TKTS.
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