Monday, June 9, 2008

Hot Town, Summer in the City

-- 100 degrees today.... in fact, it's still 87 degrees now at 10:00 at night. Ugh. As soon as you step outside, it just feels like you're walking in a hairdryer switched on to "high".

-- When it's 100 degrees outside, air conditioning helps, but not as much as you might think.

-- The city smells like urine, fermenting garbage and just plain old heat.

-- I don't know how people could possibly have been sitting outside on the patio of Maison (or anywhere) today for lunch. In this heat, you wilt even sitting still.

-- This heat is scheduled to last most of this week...


Unknown said...

And this is the post that makes me not miss NYC. :)

Shari said...

It could literally be 20 - 25 degrees cooler and I would be a happy camper.

Cathy K said...

Eeewww.. at least it's cooler today for you. Goofy weather across the whole continent.

It snowed in Bragg Creek last night and was zero in Banff this morning.

It's been raining in Calgary like someone was building an ark. And there's more on the way.

Shari said...

Goofy is right. Terrible in the midwest. I can't BE-lieve it snowed in Bragg Creek -- it's JUNE for pete's sake!