It's gotten to the point now where I am just downright curious about what's going on up there because there is no way that people make this much noise just going about their normal day-to-day tasks.
Here are my best guests:
- They have opened a gym in order to make some extra cash and I'm the only one of my neighbours who isn't up there, heaving around weights and medicine balls.
- The San Francisco 49er's have relocated their existing Santa Clara practice facility.
- There are ongoing African dance (and drum circle!) lessons and events going on ... all with admittedly terrible rhythm.
- Hippo racing has finally caught on.
- They just bought an interest in a winery, the only catch being that they actually have to stomp the grapes themselves -- old school!
- Mickey Rourke is holding classes and demonstrations on wrestling moves in order to make some cash just in case this "comeback" thing doesn't quite pan out.
- The UFC, WWF, MMA and any other acronym that basically stands for "way too much testosterone (and steroids)" has set up new headquarters.
Honestly, I think I'm going to start leaving DVD's of VERY long mini-series and movies on their front door step just to see if I can get them to be still for a couple of hours.
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