The show is a series of "tableaux vivants" (or living pictures) each representing a distinct piece of art such as a well-known painting or sculpture. This summer, the theme was "The Muse", a tribute to those forces, places and individuals who inspire an artist to create his best, most moving work.
If you have never seen the Pageant, I highly recommend it -- it really is unlike anything you've ever experienced. Actual cast members recreate each and every work of art -- the paintings and sculptures in the show all feature real people, in makeup and costume, holding stock still for up to a couple of minutes at a time while the narrator weaves an interesting and engaging story about what you're currently seeing on stage.
It's so hard to explain, but you will be absolutely awed. At one point about 20 minutes into the show, they bring up the house lights and actually deconstruct how the tableaux are put together. Even when you see this, you still cannot fathom how realistic each piece looks when presented to the audience -- a real testament to the power of lighting.
Add The Pageant of the Masters to your "must-see" list the next time a summer trip brings you to Orange County. And don't forget to take in any (or all) of the three art festivals happening at the same time!
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