Saturday, August 29, 2009
Please Don't Go
On its own, it's quite a flattering statement (especially with the emphatic exclamation point adding just that extra bit of well, emphasis about how much they want me back) and when I opened up the email, the line that immediately jumped out at me (because it was bolded) was "we want another chance".
What woman doesn't have at least one young man in her past whom she wished would have sent an email, text message, card, or letter by carrier pigeon with those words emotionally scrawled across the page (or screen)? And I think that's exactly the sentiment that our little periodical friends are trying to tap into. What better feeling than having the upper hand, even if just for a few moments, to fold your arms across your chest, scrunitize the suitor and make him sweat while you contemplate (for real or just for show) his worthiness.
The only flaw in their logic is the one teeny, tiny detail that they never had me in the first place. That's right, I've never even had a subscription to this particular publication. So how can they "want me back"? How can I give them another chance when I'd never even given them a first one?
And why would I want to be with somebody who clearly has me confused with someone else?
Monday, August 17, 2009
An Evening with the Masters
Thursday, August 13, 2009
The Future of Comfort Food

Friday, August 7, 2009
Stark Raving Mad!

Hide and Sikh
Even though this law was widely publicized before it was enacted and even though it was admended early in 2009 to also ban text messaging while driving, it's still common to see people trying to sneak in a quick conversation, phones held to their ears, old-school style.
On Thursday evening, Special K and I were in a cab, headed for the San Jose airport when he pointed out two other drivers on the 101 freeway who were openly and shamelessy gabbing away on their cell phones, without using any sort of hands-free device.
Then our cab driver's cell phone rang. I was seated directly behind him and couldn't really see what was happening, but soon, Special K started to chuckle and asked me in a low voice, "Do you see what's going on up there?" I couldn't, but just assumed that our driver was probably also breaking the law.
When we arrived at the airport, Special K told me what he had actually seen. Our driver was Indian and was wearing the full beard and iconic turban of his Sikh religion. And very cleverly, when he answered his phone, he simply tucked the device under the edge of the snugly wound fabric next to his ear, leaving him completely free to have both hands on the wheel while he chatted animatedly with whoever was on the other line.
Brilliant. I predict a whole new line of cell phone accessories coming to market!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Mad About, Well.... Men

So, when Sarah forwarded a link to "Mad Men Yourself", I was all over it like a dirty martini.

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Keep it Down Up There!
It's gotten to the point now where I am just downright curious about what's going on up there because there is no way that people make this much noise just going about their normal day-to-day tasks.
Here are my best guests:
- They have opened a gym in order to make some extra cash and I'm the only one of my neighbours who isn't up there, heaving around weights and medicine balls.
- The San Francisco 49er's have relocated their existing Santa Clara practice facility.
- There are ongoing African dance (and drum circle!) lessons and events going on ... all with admittedly terrible rhythm.
- Hippo racing has finally caught on.
- They just bought an interest in a winery, the only catch being that they actually have to stomp the grapes themselves -- old school!
- Mickey Rourke is holding classes and demonstrations on wrestling moves in order to make some cash just in case this "comeback" thing doesn't quite pan out.
- The UFC, WWF, MMA and any other acronym that basically stands for "way too much testosterone (and steroids)" has set up new headquarters.
Honestly, I think I'm going to start leaving DVD's of VERY long mini-series and movies on their front door step just to see if I can get them to be still for a couple of hours.
iPhone Speak Revisited
Well, it's still up to its old tricks, plus a few new ones which I thought I'd share:
It turns "oink oink" into "pink pink", as in "I just ate way too much! Pink, pink!" (I think even Webster recognizes "oink" -- why is Apple such a snob about it?)
It edits "hee hee" into "her her".... (Her who? and why are you being so emphatic about it??")
And it STILL has not adopted "whoo hoo" into its repetoire, but has moved on from interesting substitutions like "shoe goo" and now repeatedly serves up "whip hop".
Now, "whip hop" actually sounds like it could be an exclamation of happiness, excitement or triumph. Try it on for size: "I just closed a huge 7-figure deal! Whip hop!" or "These Jimmy Choo's are 90% off! Whip hop!"
Too bad the URL is already taken by a wallpaper company. ("Let's decorate the walls! Whip hop!!")
Friday, July 17, 2009
Rekindling a an Old Love Affair
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Bad (aka Stupid) Things Happen in Three's
Stupid thing #1 happened on my bright and early flight to New York City. And actually, it wasn't even because of anything that I did, but lookers-on thought for sure that I was the culprit, based on their pursed lips and disapproving glances. I was in an aisle seat and when my neighbour in the middle seat (very nice lady, but had a lot going on with her backpack, all sorts of food, beverages etc) asked if she could get up because she wasn't feeling very well, I immediately hopped up to make way. As she attempted to shift her bag, food and beverages, she very neatly dumped a full glass of water squarely on my seat. (This is the one time when the optimist actually wishes for a half empty glass.) Since the flight was full, I couldn't switch seats, so was resigned to mopping up as much as I could and then folding up a blanket and sitting on that for the remaining three and a half hours of the journey. As an upside, I did make friends with my seat mate upon her return and we're now connected on random social networks.
Stupid thing #2 happened within about 15 minutes of me arriving at my hotel, and again, wasn't strictly anything that I did, but I sure got the payback for something! As I was getting ready to meet my team for dinner, I noticed that the toilet had still not yet stopped running from when I had flushed it a few minutes before. I immediately opted for a very complex, sophisticated solution and tried jiggling the handle. No dice. I've "fixed" toilets before when the little chain has just gotten caught inside, not allowing the water valve to seal, so I figured I would probably be able to do the same here. When I lifted the lid from the tank, however, I was greeted by a loose hose that had popped out of one of the pipes and was now waving wildly from side to side, spraying water all over me and the bathroom. Trying to use the tank lid as a shield (a very small, ineffectual one), I managed to wrestle the hose back into the pipe and jam the lid back into place. And then I had to completely change my outfit before heading out to dinner.
I'd like to say that Stupid thing #3 was also not really directly my fault, but unfortunately, there's no way around this one. At dinner that night (at a very hip Japanese restaurant), I was regaling my colleagues with my stories of the day and one of them laughingly moved all the water glasses away from in front of me, lest I knock them all over in the spirit of the events of the preceding 10 or so hours. But no matter, with one dramatic wave of the hand, I managed to completely upend the little jar of house-made soy sauce and spill it all over the table.
More disapproving looks, this time from our server, and I thought I'd try to lighten the mood with a french accented "Monsieur, don't try to be funnayy with me!" but I didn't think she'd appreciate it.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
I Do, I Do, I Do

Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Count Me In!
Truth be told, I actually don't mind filling out forms like this. Having once been a census-taker for a summer job in Canada (funny stories there for another time), I definitely empathize with how difficult it is to get people to complete these forms. Also, having a background in business/marketing/strategy, I understand the value of survey data and how it can be used to help make important decisions.
(And mostly, since I'm not a citizen and don't get to vote, I figure this is the closest I'll get to having some input on things for a while!)
The Census Bureau sent me a nice letter a couple of weeks ago informing me that I would soon be receiving a package in the mail and that it was very important that I answer the questions and send back the survey in a timely manner. Then as promised, a few days later, the survey package arrived in the mail. (The government actually keeping its word? Alert the press!) And now they are peppering me with little post cards, reminding me to fill out the survey and please send it back promptly. (Someone paid attention in Communications 101 class when the professor outlined the key rules in communicating: "Tell them what you're going to tell them; then tell them; then tell them what you told them.")
So, I've completed the survey and I will do my duty as a (nearly) permanent resident of the United States (who still can't vote, but who can pay taxes like she's the government's petty cash account) and I will send it back tomorrow.
But before I do, I had to share a few questions that I wish had the option of a write-in answer instead of just the "yes" and "no" boxes:
-- Because of a physical, mental or emotional condition, does this person have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering or making decisions?
I'm sorry, what was the question again?
-- Does this person have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?
Why do you think I live on the first floor?? And I must not, under any circumstance, be allowed to chew gum while attempting either of these two activities.
-- Does this person have difficulty dressing or bathing?
Bathing -- once a fortnight whether I need it or not. (Is soap a requirement?)
Dressing -- I'm going through an "inside out" phase right now, but no one gets close enough to really realize it due to the "bathing" point above.
Monday, June 29, 2009
John heeft een foto van jou getagd op Facebook
About 6 days earlier, Special K and I had been in Amsterdam, waiting for our connection to Dublin. Because we had a few hours to kill, we installed ourselves in the KLM lounge and lo and behold if there wasn't free internet access.
We both checked our email, and I updated both Facebook and Twitter.
And because of the 4 hours I was in the Netherlands, Facebook decided that I was most probably fluent in Dutch by then and that I would be happiest with my entire Facebook profile in Dutch as well. Never mind that I've been using Facebook in ENGLISH for the past two and a half years.
In any event, I did manage to get everything switched back to English, but not without canvasing the internet cafe with the question "Does anyone know how to say 'preferences' in Dutch???"
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Expansion in the Blogosphere!
Since Kaboodle is all about shopping, my Kaboodle blog is mostly product and shopping focused. We have a really fun area called "What I'm Wearing Today", so I'm also trying to post the occasional entry there.
Check it out here. Happy Kaboodling!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Mawwied?? Yes, Mawwied!!

Now, I know this is kind of cheating, but Special K wrote a great email to our wedding guests to recap some of the highlights of the day and of our trip to the Emerald Isle. So, I hereby annoint Special K as my guest blogger and invite you to enjoy his marvelous way with words and sense of humour. (I just may turn the whole blog over to him!)
Here goes:
“Hey, we just flew in from Dublin and – boy - our arms are tired!”
Wanted to send one final note to our wedding posse and share some quick post-ceremony behind the scenes tid-bits and honeymoon highlights:
Betcha didn’t know that Shari’s Dad and Craig had to make two runs to the store to pick up some ice minutes before the party bus pulled into the circular driveway!
Father Peter is actually the Bishop of California’s Catholic Ecumenical Church – and no, he is not one of the co-stars of the current box office hit “The Hangover.”
Pittsburgh Johnny was warming up in the bullpen with his Internet-certified minister certificate in case Father Peter got stuck on the 5 freeway.
In a close vote, Aunt Kathy’s cookies edged out the custom cupcakes and pudding to win the “best dessert” award.
Cincy Bob had a beautiful speech prepared about the bride and groom but was wise enough to recognize that NO ONE – not even Elvis-back-from-the-grave! - could follow Shari’s “red nose” improvisation.
Special thanks to Craig and Dannie McLaughlin for opening their home to us for our special night! As Aunt Audrey said, “This is like one of those places you see on those fancy home and garden cable TV shows!”
IRELAND Honeymoon facts:
Over / under on how long it takes an Irishman to praise Obama as “the second coming”: 47 seconds.
Would you believe: There are more cabs in Dublin than NYC! (look it up!)
What is on TV in Ireland as the Penguins were hoisting the Stanley Cup and the Lakers winning the NBA Championship?...Hurling! (seriously…)
Special K scorecard from piloting a right-hand-drive Hyundai across Ireland?
-1 popped curb speeding thru a roundabout
-2 pissed-off Irishmen from driving head-on into the wrong lane
-3 attempts to enter the car from the wrong side
-4 bruises on his left arm from his wife’s “encouragement” from the passenger seat
-5 maps used navigate across Ireland but – when we pulled back into Dublin we spent an hour trying to find our rental car return location – gave up – and paid $10 Euro to a cab driver to let us follow him there.
Average time the sun would set during our trip: 10pm!
Zero! (the number of clock radios found in our 6 different hotel rooms.)
True or False: The green card bride spent some time in jail during her honeymoon.
True or False: Special K enjoyed a Galway Hooker during his honeymoon!
(it’s a beer, people!)
Thanks again, everyone! And to those who have shared their photos, thank you & stand by – Shari will create “something” with the official wedding and honeymoon photos and forward a link.
Love & Laughs-
Did Ya Miss Me??
We just got back from our honeymoon in Ireland a few days ago, and now that we're back and life is back to its only semi-frenetic pace, consider Signature Shari officially resurrected!
Ah, it's good to be back!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Alive and Kicking!
No, the reason for my absence is MUCH more exciting, wonderful and silly smile-inducing! Ready for the big news?
Special K and I have decided to make it official and tie the knot! We decided just a few short weeks ago and we are getting hitched in ten days. TEN DAYS. WHOOOOOO!!!
So, as you can appreciate, I've been quite occupied with planning fun details for our very small and intimate ceremony and wedding dinner.
I have definitely been missing my blog and I will aim to post a couple of updates between now and the big day, but I promise I'll get back on track once we are blissfully wed. (I get butterflies every time I think about it!)
Saturday, April 11, 2009
It's Not Kidnapping if He Comes Along Willingly
As we gathered our wallets and sunglasses, we polled the rest of the office to see if anyone else wanted to join us... but alas, no takers. Down in the parking lot, as I backed out of my spot, I spied our principal scientist coming out the front door of the office building and I rolled down the window, leaning across Jessica in the passenger seat to yell "Hey, Magnus! Get in the car!"
The girls giggled. And Magnus squinted to see who it was and then did come over and get in the car. (Brave guy!)
With our hijacked scientist in the backseat, we were off in pursuit of mexi-goods. When Magnus found out there would be fish tacos at our destination, he relaxed.
And yes, we brought him back safely, although in retrospect, I'm sure we could have commanded a pretty decent ransom.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
The Opposite of Lent
I know at least a couple of people who have committed to staying off Facebook for Lent. (Is that really a sacrifice?) One of my co-workers gave up shopping... but just for clothes and shoes. (What a glorious loophole allowing you to carve out your own Lenten parameters. Clothes and shoes may be off the list, but handbags and jewelry are totally fair game!) Another friend of mine gave up meat for all of Lent (not just on Fridays) a few years ago and she hasn't actually eaten meat since. Impressive!
This year, my former altar boy, Special K, gave up sweets for the holy fasting period. And he took it really seriously, not even having regular soda nor his regular morning mochaccino nor sugar in a cup of tea. In a moment of solidarity (or insanity), I actually thought, "You know, I'll give up sweets, too. It will be healthier, it will be supportive and it will be something we can do together!"
Yeah, that lasted about 6 hours.
What Special K accomplished in his pious efforts to make a meaningful sacrifice, I MORE than made up for on the other side. I went straight for gluttony, swinging around a full 180 degrees as if a meeting between Lent and my personal willpower was like trying to push together the North ends of two magnets. Not gonna happen.
They say timing is everything and it just so happened that during those 40 days at the office, we had cupcakes (multiple times, thanks to all the March/April birthdays), donuts, an ice cream social and pounds of chocolate and other goodies delivered from Costco. Not even a fair fight.
Now that Lent is over, however, I am back to yogurt, bananas, granola bars and carrot sticks.
Final score:
Lent: 40
Shari: 0 (but with a couple of darn good red velvet cupcakes!)
That ain't so bad!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
I'm Sorry, But I Just Don't Care
Special K explained that if the defense (ie. the pitcher and the catcher) make no attempt to put the baserunner out, then that play is scored as "defensive indifference" and no stolen base is credited to the runner.
Excuse me?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but if the pitcher and the catcher aren't even paying attention, isn't that even more reason to credit a stolen base to the runner? Heck, if he can make that move without attracting the offense's attention, perhaps he should even get twice the credit. I don't know of any other sport where the defense can just sit back and say that a play or scoring doesn't count just simply because they weren't paying attention.
I wish I had known about that rule when playing sports in high school.
"Oh, that goal doesn't count because frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."
Perhaps I'll adopt this philosophy in my day-to-day life now. Imagine:
In business (to my boss): "Oh, I'm sorry that I totally missed my revenue numbers this quarter. Since I wasn't even really paying attention to the business, I'm allowed to claim 'professional indifference.'"
To my friends: "Yeah, I'm sorry I missed your birthday, but because of "personal indifference", your birthday didn't even really exist for me."
To the cashier at the movie theatre: "I'm not planning to actually pay attention to the movie, so I shouldn't have to pay for my ticket. It's called "Hollywood indifference". Thanks for understanding."
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Tourist in My Own Town -- Part III
Tourist in My Own Town -- Part II
Tourist in My Own Town -- Part I
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Things are Looking Upward

I'm still processing this last bit of info as Special K tugs my arm and leads me into the theatre. And sure enough, there is Ray Bradbury sitting at the end of our row, in a wheelchair, accompanied by a couple of folks.
Completely star struck, I am thrilled when he introduces the play himself and describes how the time he spent in Ireland (while writing the screen play for "Moby Dick") generated the humanistic observations that allowed him to write the three short plays that were ultimately fused to create "Falling Upward".
The play takes place in Heeber Finn's pub (a real place that Bradbury frequented) and you immediately get the gist of the environment when you see the sign on the pub wall, "No women, no fighting, no swearing". And indeed, this is the watering hole, gathering place and sanctuary for a diverse group of Irishmen. One of the key characters (and narrator) is played by Pat Harrington -- I did not recognize him until Special K said something about "Schneider" and then it all came rushing back to me. Harrington played the building sup on "One Day at a Time" way back in the day. What a trip to see the swarthy, macho Schneider as a soft-spoken, elderly Irishman.
While the play didn't exactly have a solid plot line, the characters were likeable and fun, the dialogue was clever and the situations were authentic and believable as part of this motley crew's day to day routine. (Think of British films like "The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill and Came Down a Mountain" or "Waking Ned Devine" and you'll have a sense of the quirky nature of the characters and the overall situations.)
And of course, I introduced myself to Mr. Bradbury at the intermission and imposed upon him for an autograph.
And now the fire has been fanned once again and I am jonesing for a trip to Ireland. (Get ready for some Guinness, Special K!)
Exit Stage Left.... Please!!
After some serious scouring of both online and print sources, we finally found a play in a small, independent theatre that had boasted a number of pretty positive reviews in various media. No matter that the theatre itself was in the shadiest part of San Francisco -- it's the low rent that attracted the starving artists, right?
We always know that any performance can be a dud and that the Dud Quotient rises substantially as you get into the 49 and 99 seat theatres, but with some positive feedback actually published about this particular play, we were feeling pretty confident that this would be a good one. (And we've been on a bit of a bad roll lately with films and performances, so we also figured that the universe owed us a favour.)
But alas, the universe felt it fitting to punish us just a little bit longer.
We spent far too long watching three desperate Hollywood wanna-be characters (and one mostly unconscious character) throw each other around a stage, roll around in fake vomit (which sure looked real) and Funyuns (just as gross as the fake vomit) and generally torture each other both physically and emotionally. And then there were the strap-ons. (Sorry, Mom!) That's right, I used the plural form.... not just one, but TWO... generally not visible, but rather used to make a, um, point about the efficacy of viagra mixed with a cocktail of illicit drugs.
The play has indeed garnered some positive reviews, for instance "astonishly witty dialogue and riotous situations" from a pretty well-known media outlet, so I won't skewer too much here, but leave it at the fact that Special K and I were checking our watches surreptitiously (hopefully) fairly frequently after intermission (and before, if you must know). We could have stayed out on the streets of the Tenderloin and probably seen pretty much the same show.
(The show's run ended just after we saw it, but if you want to know what it was, shoot me an email.)
Tender is the Night
The only concrete plan we had was to visit North Beach Pizza for lunch (again with the pizza!). Special K had been many years ago and loved it and I had heard from countless people over the past few months that it was indeed 'za bomb. We were definitely not disappointed. We were seated along one of the windows where we had a great view of the top of Coit Tower and so we ordered the "Coit Tower Special" just because (no vegetarians in this duo) . In a word? Amazing. (We had lunch around 2:00 and still weren't hungry at 10:00 pm that evening.)
After pizza, we hiked (you don't merely "walk" on those steep streets) around the hills of North Beach and Telegraph Hill, made it to the Coit Tower lookout and then walked down the stairs towards the Embarcadero where we visited the Ferry Building (a must-see for SF visitors!) and then on to Hotel Griffon for a glass of wine. We had the vague notion of wanting to see some theatre that evening, so while sipping on our vino, we put my iPhone through the paces, trying to find a local theatre with a show that sounded good, but that wasn't a broadway epic style musical. (As an aside, it was nearly impossible to find good, reliable, up-to-date theatre info either online or even in the local freebie arts newspaper.)
We finally found something that sounded interesting and hopped in a cab to head over the box office. From my iPhone's map application, I gave the driver the cross streets of our destination.
He looked up at me in his rearview mirror. "You sure that's where you want to go?"
"Yes, definitely -- the theatre is in that block."
He sighed. "Ok.... "
A few minutes later, we jumped out of the cab and turned the corner to head towards the theatre, and that's when I realized that I had unwittingly requested that we be dropped off in the heart of the Tenderloin.
The Tenderloin is a small, dense neighbourhood in downtown San Francisco that, in spite of its rich history and recent revitalization efforts, still remains an area of squalid conditions, homelessness, crime, drug sales (and abuse) and prostitution. And we walked right smack into the middle of ALL of that. We picked our way around the homeless and those under the influence and once we checked in at the theatre box office, we hustled down towards Market Street to kill some time in the shops before curtain.
After the play, we spilled back out onto the street and while the neighourhood hadn't seemed THAT bad in the daylight, the darkness brought out the most sinister, shady and sleazy elements, and made you not want to linger on the street discussing the show you just saw. (There were also other reasons you might not want to discuss that particular show, but I'll save those for another blog post.)
As I instinctively reached for Special K and hissed "Hold my hand!!", two grubby men seated on the sidewalk repeatedly nattered "Yeah, you BETTA hold her hand! You BETTA hang onto that one!"
You BETTA believe he will! And if he won't, I most certainly will!
Facebook -- Time Travel for the Rest of Us
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Bracketology -- I Need a New Area of Study
- Siena, Cleveland State and Arizona were big bracket busters for me, beating Ohio State, Wake Forest (!) and Utah respectively.
- My irrational emotional attachment to my alma mater cost me valuable pool points. (Darn it, you Bruins!)
- Looks like Syracuse is about to cost me more valuable points.
- At least my Final Four are still in tact, but there's no way my total number of possible available points is enough to put me back in the lead at any point.
At least I had the foresight to capture the screen shot that showed me in the lead for one brief, glorious moment!
Saturday, March 21, 2009

And because I know this moment is fleeting and short-lived (the game by game shifts in bracketology are swift and dramatic), I just had to post a screen shot showing that at one point in time yesterday, I was actually leading the pool with 21 out of 24 correct picks! (And then Ohio State, Utah and Wake Forest all crumbled... and now Mad Mamma's Ballers have eclipsed me!)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
That's What I Meant to Say
And the funny thing is that my iPhone seems to learn certain words, but retains a solid mental block against learning others -- as if it can passively bully me into adapting the vocabulary it wants me to use.
Often at the end of my texts to Special K, I'll sign off with "xo", but if I'm not paying attention, the phone will correct it to "so". And since my attempt at "xo" generally comes at the end of the text, Special K will often reply with "so what?", wondering why I didn't finish my thought.
I tried posting something to Twitter once, starting with "whoo hoo" and my two first attempts were met with iPhone edits of "shop hop" and "shoe goo". "Shoe goo"? Without a correction, my post would have read something like "Shoe goo!! We just closed a huge advertising deal!! Shop hop!!" Not exactly the effect I was going for.
Special K does not have an iPhone, but his device does have an auto correct feature and it seems to actually lose its memory over time and then has to be retrained. The best example is when it comes time for the NFL season to start again. Between the playoffs and the start of the following season, Special K's phone seemingly forgets the very important word "Steelers". So, for the first couple games of the season, Special K's phone tries to send text messages that exclaim "Go Puddles!!" instead of "Go Steelers!!" Again, not exactly the impact we're looking for.
(As an aside, the first time he told me about "puddles", I almost blew Coca-Cola out my nose, I was laughing so hard..... "Go Puddles!! Shoe goo!!")
And finally, tonight while I was waiting for a friend to show up at a restaurant in Palo Alto, I tried texting Special K "Hi hottie!" and it auto corrected to "Hi hogtie!" THAT just about made me choke on my red wine. I actually left it like that when I sent the text, figuring that Special K would either chuckle or write it off to my glass of Pinot Noir.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Buon Appetito!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Pub Crawl

Saturday, February 28, 2009
In the Eye of the Beholder

Thursday, February 26, 2009
Because Everyone in Canada Lives in Igloos
Now that Vancouver has won the chance to host the 2010 Winter Olympics, these are some questions people from all over the world are asking. Believe it or not these questions about Canada were posted on an International Tourism Website. Obviously the answers are a joke; but the questions were really asked!
Q: I have never seen it warm on Canadian TV, so how do the plants grow? (England)
A. We import all plants fully grown and then just sit around and watch them die.
Q: Will I be able to see Polar Bears in the street? (USA)
A: Depends on how much you've been drinking.
Q: I want to walk from Vancouver to Toronto - can I follow the Railroad tracks? (Sweden)
A: Sure, it's only four thousand miles, take lots of water.
Q: Is it safe to run around in the bushes in Canada? (Sweden)
A: So it's true what they say about Swedes.
Q: Are there any ATM's (cash machines) in Canada? Can you send me a list of them in Toronto, Vancouver, Edmonton and Halifax? (England)
A: What, did your last slave die?
Q: Can you give me some information about hippo racing in Canada? (USA)
A: A-fri-ca is the big triangle shaped continent south of Europe ... Ca-na-da is that big country to your North...oh forget it. Sure, the hippo racing is every Tuesday night in Calgary. Come naked.
Q: Which direction is North in Canada? (USA)
A: Face south and then turn 180 degrees. Contact us when you get here and we'll send the rest of the directions.
Q: Can I bring cutlery into Canada? (England)
A: Why? Just use your fingers like we do.
Q: Can you send me the Vienna Boys' Choir schedule? (USA)
A : Aus-t-ri-a is that quaint little country bordering Ger-man-y, which is...oh forget it. Sure, the Vienna Boys Choir plays every Tuesday night in Vancouver and in Calgary, straight after the hippo races. Come naked.
Q: Do you have perfume in Canada? (Germany)
A: No, WE don't stink.
Q: I have developed a new product that is the fountain of youth. Where can I sell it in Canada? (USA)
A: Anywhere significant numbers of Americans gather.
Q: Can you tell me the regions in British Columbia where the female population is smaller than the male population? (Italy)
A: Yes, gay nightclubs.
Q: Do you celebrate Thanksgiving in Canada? (USA)
A: Only at Thanksgiving.
Q: Are there supermarkets in Toronto and is milk available all year round? (Germany)
A: No, we are a peaceful civilization of Vegan hunter/gathers. Milk is illegal.
Q: I have a question about a famous animal in Canada, but I forget its name. It's a kind of big horse with horns. (USA)
A: It's called a Moose. They are tall and very violent, eating the brains of anyone walking close to them. You can scare them off by spraying yourself with human urine before you go out walking.
Q: Will I be able to speak English most places I go? (USA)
A: Yes, but you will have to learn it first.
Thank goodness Canadians are blessed with an excellent sense of humour. (Not humor.)
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Note that I qualify barbeque with "good" because there is plenty of "bad" out there and having spent many of his formative years in Texas, Special K knows his ribs, tri-tip, brisket and links.
For months now, he has had his eye on a little hole-in-the-wall kind of place just down the street from my office and we finally decided to go check it out a couple of weekends back.
I could tell he was excited by the extra spring in his step as we made our way from the car across the tiny parking lot and as he flung open the door and stepped aside to let me into the place first. Now, I am not such a huge BBQ fan simply because I don't really like BBQ sauce all that much. However, I do like items that have been cooked ON a barbeque. (Heck, I grew up in the Texas of Canada, so I BETTER like it!) In spite of my fair-weather barbeque tendencies, even I could sense that something was amiss after one quick, cursory glance at the giant menu on the wall behind the counter.
Lots of burgers.
And more burgers.
Huh. And that's about it.
Special K wrinkled his nose and asked the guy behind the counter about the REAL barbeque stuff. With that, the guy gestured towards the grill top where another guy was flipping burgers.
"But what about brisket? Chicken? Sausage? Tri-tip?"
"Burgers" came the bored reply.
So we ordered burgers and called it a meal. Sort of.
Fast-forward a couple of weeks.
Last Friday night, we were driving down one of the main streets in Santa Clara when Special K's eagle eyes spotted the sign: "Andy's Bar-B-Que" in large neon lights. In a flash, I was in the right lane, turning into the parking lot.As we walked into the place, I could feel Special K relax. "Ah, yeah.... this looks right... it SMELLS right." And sure enough, amidst the wood-panelled walls and pleather-seated booths, we were treated to REAL barbeque, Texas-style. Piles of chicken, tri-tip, pork ribs, and giant baked potatoes with the works. (When the waiter asked me "Do you want sour cream, butter, cheese, or chives on your potato?", I just replied with "Yes, please." He laughed.)
And I bet I'm the first person to eat a meal there and never (not ONCE) even dip into the barbeque sauce.
(Andy's Bar-B-Que is located at 2367 El Camino Real in Santa Clara. Go. And get the blue cheese dressing on the salad. A-mazing.)
Drama in the Valley
- I have been awoken by my neighbours screaming at each other at the tops of their lungs at 1:30 in the morning. AND their baby was screaming in the background. (Poor child.)
- A small child was screaming (sensing a theme here?) at 7:30 this morning and carried on for 15 minutes or more. I heard adult voices, so I didn't go investigate, but I think he may have fallen down the stairs or something. (Again... poor child.)
- As I was driving home from work tonight, I had to stand on my brakes in order to avoid the car in front of me who had stopped suddenly in the lane that peeled off onto the freeway on-ramp. As we got everything sorted out, I saw that a guy had jumped out of his Honda Accord and was beating on the passenger side window of an Audi A4 behind him, as the Audi driver threw his car into reverse in an attempt to flee the assault. Road rage, Sunnyvale style.
Don't let anyone tell ya that Silicon Valley is sleepy and suburban.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
There's Something About Mary
Monday, February 16, 2009
Nerd Humour

When I was recently in New York, I saw the funniest t-shirt slogan I’d seen in a long time:
“Talk Nerdy to Me!” (accompanied by a line drawing of a computer, natch!)
Geek (or is that “nerd”?) that I am, I thought “I bet ‘talk nerdy to me’ is just the tip of the iceberg.” And lo and behold, after a couple of quick searches on both Kaboodle and Google, I found these t-shirt slogans:
“I logged off Second Life for this??”
“It’s not that I can’t explain it – it’s just that you wouldn’t understand”
“Alcohol and calculus don’t mix – don’t drink and derive”
“Ctrl + Alt + Delete is ALWAYS an option”
And my personal favourite:
< >
That’s a great idea.
< / sarcasm >
And here’s one I know my Dad will appreciate:
“If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the precipitate”
(Chemist humour!)
PS (I started a t-shirt list on my Kaboodle profile.)
Forgive me, Father...
And as a result, I'm seriously backblogged.
Honestly, where does the time go? I have made myself notes about many, many things to blog about, but I have not been able to siphon off even a half hour of late to chat about something random and unimportant.
Time to reprioritize! After all, the world needs more inane blogs about even more inane and random topics. :-)
Monday, February 2, 2009
Super Sunday!