Sunday, September 7, 2008


Wow, what a crazy couple of weeks! I haven’t disappeared off the face of the earth, but I have relocated back to the West Coast (SF Bay Area this time around) and as a result, my summer has been a hectic mess of work, travel, and oh yeah, moving across the country. And in between all the moving and relocation stuff, Special K and I also jetted off to both Dallas and Phoenix. The former for his mom’s birthday and the latter for a Labor Day weekend getaway.

For approximately two weeks, when someone asked me “Where do you live?”, I replied, “Well, technically I’m homeless… “ because I had given up my apartment in NY, but hadn’t yet settled in NoCal.

While the movers have now made their way across the country and delivered my stuff, much of it is still in boxes lying around my new place because I’ve hardly even been there to unpack. I don’t yet have cable, internet nor phone because I haven’t been in town consistently enough to arrange for the cable/internet/phone company to come by. (Lack of home internet connection is really the primary reason for my parallel lack of blogging activity.)

But I am slowly getting settled and putting all the pieces in place to construct yet another new chapter of my life in yet another new location. Updates to come!

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