Sunday, September 21, 2008

Settling In

I am slowly but surely getting settled in my new digs in Northern California and am also slowly figuring out how to find my way around (remember my internal compass is completely off up here) . I am still sans GPS, however, and so I still got lost twice this weekend, just turning the wrong way because I was SO sure that I had finally conquered the "Never Eat Soggy Weiners" equation as it applies to Northern California. Of course, my judgement was wrong each time and I spent a good amount of time making u-turns.

Friday night kicked off with a great dinner and visit with Sharon and Chris in Menlo Park, including a mini-visit with the Fox Terrier twins, Sam and Molly. Even at 12 years old, they are still full of terrier attitude although Molly has a doggy wheelchair to help her cart her failing rear-end around with her. That didn't stop her from growling incessantly at Sam from across the room.

Saturday was a day full of errands and "knocking stuff off the list" (Special K LOVES it when I get in that mode - actually, he is great at reminding me that Rome wasn't built in a day, and my rebuttal is that it might have been had I been consulted). After 5 hours of mostly not getting lost, I became very well acquainted with my neighbourhood Target (can never get out of that store without spending $100), the nearest drycleaner (a lovely lady named Joanne who used to live in Flushing, so we had stuff to chat about immediately), the closest Trader Joe's (yes, a package of Joe-Joe's did indeed find their way home with me) and a car wash that will probably become a semi-regular weekend destination.

I am mostly unpacked now, but I do still have a few home office type things (files etc) to stash away before I can truly say that I'm officially moved in and settled. But it's not bad progress considering I've still been on the road quite a bit the last few weeks.

As Sunday winds to a close and I'm mentally preparing for the week ahead, I pulled up and checked the forecast for the week. I'd adopted the habit of checking the weather every morning in NYC in order to figure out what to wear, which shoes to actually put on my feet versus which ones to carry, what jacket (if any) to take and how likely it was that I would need an umbrella.

I smiled when I saw the outlook for this week -- every day is forecast to be sunny with a high between 78 and 82 degrees. is going to miss me.

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