Saturday, November 15, 2008

Things That Are On My Mind At This Very Moment

-- How did it get to be November 15 already? It's practically Christmas. In fact, I'm newly amazed at where this entire YEAR has gone.

-- How long can I get away with not putting my license plates on my car?

-- What will the fate of General Motors be and how will that impact everything else? Stay in cash for a while longer or take advantage of low stock prices?

-- How can it possibly be fair that I pay an exorbitant amount in taxes each year, yet I can't vote on anything. Taxation without representation. Some democracy.

-- Will the Calgary Flames ever win another Stanley Cup? (Will they even make it to the playoffs???)

-- What pushes someone to take such desperate measures that are at best unethical and at worst illegal and horrific?

-- Should I drive or take the train to San Francisco today?

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