Monday, November 3, 2008

Trick or Treat!

Last week, someone in the office asked (maybe a bit rhetorically), "When did Halloween become a full-fledged season instead of just a single day?" It did seem this year that Halloween was everywhere for a long, long time prior to October 31.

In the office, we had quite a festive time on Friday, complete with a pumpkin-carving contest, a mini ping-pong tournament and a power outage. Ok, so maybe the power outage wasn't all that festive (since it halted the ping-pong tourney in the semi-finals), but it did provide us with an excuse to view the carved pumpkins in the dark, with candles glowing from within.

Aldo won the prize for the best costume. You can check out a photo of it here at Posterous. Maria, Albee and I were doubled over laughing for ages because we thought it was so clever.

I "dressed up" by simply pinning a bag of Salt 'n Vinegar Lays to my shirt and voila, suddenly I became "All That & a Bag of Chips". I know, it's a bit cheesy, but it did get some good giggles. (Although I have to admit that I ended up having to make myself a little sign because some of my colleagues thought I was trying to pass myself off as a poor rendition of a vending machine.)

Special K flew in on Friday night to come and see me for the weekend ... when I picked him up at the airport, he had peel 'n stick numbers all over his shirt and pants... he was truly "someone you can count on". (We went for sushi after leaving the airport and our curious waiter finally asked Special K, "So, do you really like math or something?")

Last weekend, we had a Halloween party in Orange County that we were able to go to at the last minute, but because we had thought we weren't going to be able to make it, we hadn't really thought through the costume angle. We ended up going as "E-Male and His Attachment" -- Special K with a giant "E" emblazoned on his chest and me with large gold paperclips pinned all over my shirt and jeans.

You can bet that Special K didn't forget the attachment this time.


Cathy K said...

Shari, my sister Jacquie is a junior high school teacher. One year she wore a big furry outfit (like Chewbacca) and had a small plant pot stuck her hand... Hairy Potter. One year she went with packages of Smarties stuck all over her pants -- Smarty Pants... one year she had a picture of Newfoundland stuck on the front of her shirt and a picture of a brick wall on her back--stuck between a rock and hard place. The list goes on. She usually has to explain the outfit!

Shari said...

Hairy Potter! Too funny! And Newfoundland as the "hard place" -- humour that only a canadian would get. :-)