Sunday, July 26, 2009

iPhone Speak Revisited

A few months ago, I posted about my iPhone's handy auto-correct feature and its tendency to turn my text messages, emails and Twitter posts into a sort of semi-familiar code language that uses real words, but puts them in a completely bizarre context.

Well, it's still up to its old tricks, plus a few new ones which I thought I'd share:

It turns "oink oink" into "pink pink", as in "I just ate way too much! Pink, pink!" (I think even Webster recognizes "oink" -- why is Apple such a snob about it?)

It edits "hee hee" into "her her".... (Her who? and why are you being so emphatic about it??")

And it STILL has not adopted "whoo hoo" into its repetoire, but has moved on from interesting substitutions like "shoe goo" and now repeatedly serves up "whip hop".

Now, "whip hop" actually sounds like it could be an exclamation of happiness, excitement or triumph. Try it on for size: "I just closed a huge 7-figure deal! Whip hop!" or "These Jimmy Choo's are 90% off! Whip hop!"

Too bad the URL is already taken by a wallpaper company. ("Let's decorate the walls! Whip hop!!")

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