Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I'm Cracking Under the Pressure

There's a pusher in my building. But it's not what you think. She's not pushing illegal narcotics on me, instead she's pushing house cleaning services. Yes, you read that right. House cleaning services. The sweet Asian woman who runs the valet service that takes care of laundry and dry cleaning for the building has just added house cleaning to her laundry list of services (pun intended). And as it turns out, she is a hardcore sales woman who doesn't take no for an answer.

Last week, when I breezed home to pick up my bags and catch my ride to the airport, she spied me coming in the front door of the building and pounced on me. "You want house cleaning? We come this Saturday." I respectfully decline, as I'm backing away towards the elevator, one eye on my watch, very aware that I'm running a bit late.

I flew home last night and this morning, on my way out, I stopped to drop off some dry cleaning. It was as if we were picking up on our conversation from over a week ago as if the time gap had never occurred. "So, we come on Saturday?"

I'm just going to have to give in. It's a win-win situation after all. I get to come home to a freshly cleaned apartment and she gets to claim me and my testimonials as her next weapon in her campaign to secure house-cleaning rights to every single apartment in the building.

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