Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Cable Company STILL Sucks

I came home tonight and turned on the TV to catch some news and/or entertainment while I had a bite of dinner. I bet you know what's coming, don't you? (The headline kind of gives it away, doesn't it?) Well, if your guess is that my cable is once again NOT WORKING, you'd be dead right.

When they switched me over to IPTV, they assured me that this would be much better. Apparently, it is NOT.

My customer service "community manager" and I are now exchanging Christmas cards because we've become so close over the past few months.

Honestly, cable people, get it TOGETHER.


cmiller said...

Oh I can soooo sympathise. Big storms last week have resulted in NO sky tv for the last week...I called and the only time someone could come out was during the week, with convenient time slots of from 8-12 or 1-5pm. Thankfully the girls who live in the top flat are having the same issue, so we've collectively got it figured out and someone should hopefully come out tomorrow and get it sorted...until the next big storm at least!

Shari said...

Unbelievable, isn't it? Google is ruling the world and the cable companies can't even deliver reliable, consistent service.

PS. Can't wait to see you in CA over the holidays!!