Saturday, December 1, 2007

In Theory, It was a Good Idea

I originally planned my Saturday morning around the Theory sample sale down in the Fashion District. I even had a pithy, clever title for my anticipated blog entry -- something along the lines of "The Battle for Cashmere". (I guess Pakistan wouldn't think that was either pithy or clever.)

Well, I'm sorry to say that I failed in my mission.

But it's not like I didn't try. Even though it was only about 30 degrees this morning, I still bundled up, walked up to Columbus Circle in bone-chilling wind and got on the C train. I've never been to this sample sale location previously, so I was concerned it would be hard to find -- you know, one of those unmarked doors that only those "in the know" know about.

As it turned out, I didn't have to worry about not being able to find the place. The 500 or so other women standing in line to get in kind of gave it away. Seriously, the line stretched all the way from 7th Avenue to 8th Avenue (and those east-west blocks are loooooong). As I walked down the street, seeing the red noses, watery eyes and hands clutching Starbuck's cups, I contemplated joining the end of the line. Honestly, I did. But as I approached the very last girl in line, I didn't slow my pace for even a split second. I just kept right on walking and popped into the nearest Dunkin' Donuts to re-group.

I spent the next couple of hours milling around various stores and checking out the Christmas window displays at Macy's and Lord & Taylor. As it turns out, the fashion gods work in mysterious ways because even though I didn't pick up a single shred of massively discounted Theory merchandise, the Banana Republic associate hooked me up with an extra 30% discount (on top of the already-on-sale-price) for two pairs of dress pants.

Reality trumps theory again.

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