Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Giving Santa a Run for His Money

Why do I do this to myself? Why do I insist on continuing to tally up the number of miles I fly and how many nights I actually sleep in this crazy expensive apartment that I pay to keep each month? Because apparently I like to drive myself nuts. What's that old business saying? You can only improve what you measure? In my case, an "improvement" would actually be fewer trips.

December travels:

-- New York (9 days -- about half with Special K, yeah!)

-- San Diego (3 days)

-- Victoria, BC (3 days -- wonderful visit with G&G)

-- Santa Clara (2 days)

-- New York (36 hours)

-- Winter Park, Florida (3 days -- Dr. Pete and Robin's beautiful wedding)

-- Calgary (5 days -- blissful holidays with Mom & Dad, friends and Schnauzer puppies)

-- Orange County (4 days)

I made an average of about two plane trips per week and logged approximately another 15,000 miles in December. I think Santa may hire me next year for his North American run. I've got criss-crossing the continent down pat.

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