Tuesday, February 19, 2008

So Many Earthquakes, So Little Time

It turns out that on any given day in California, there are numerous earthquakes registering on the Richter scale. Thankfully, the vast majority are extremely small (in the 1's and 2's on the scale) and go unnoticed by regular mortals like you and me.

Sometimes, however, they are big enough to feel but not big enough to cause damage or injury (again, thankfully). I'm in San Diego this week and while in a meeting today, one of my colleagues poked her head in and said "Did you feel that??" We had just had an earthquake. I actually didn't feel that one, but when I checked one of the local San Diego news web sites, I saw they were reporting a 5.0 quake this afternoon just south of the US/Mexico border, not far from San Diego. The AP wire story referred to it as a "moderate" earthquake.

Tonight, as I was finishing up a few things at the office, there was another tremor, and I did atually feel that one. It was brief, but there was no mistaking it. I don't know how to explain it, but you can just tell that the movement you feel is not being caused by a big truck rumbling by on the street.

The map in the picture shows a total of 61 earthquakes, all which probably occurred in the last 1 to 2 weeks. (The top 30 have all occurred within the last 4 days or so.) It's a little freaky when you think about it too long.

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