Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Drama in the Valley

In the last 24 hours:

- I have been awoken by my neighbours screaming at each other at the tops of their lungs at 1:30 in the morning. AND their baby was screaming in the background. (Poor child.)

- A small child was screaming (sensing a theme here?) at 7:30 this morning and carried on for 15 minutes or more. I heard adult voices, so I didn't go investigate, but I think he may have fallen down the stairs or something. (Again... poor child.)

- As I was driving home from work tonight, I had to stand on my brakes in order to avoid the car in front of me who had stopped suddenly in the lane that peeled off onto the freeway on-ramp. As we got everything sorted out, I saw that a guy had jumped out of his Honda Accord and was beating on the passenger side window of an Audi A4 behind him, as the Audi driver threw his car into reverse in an attempt to flee the assault. Road rage, Sunnyvale style.

Don't let anyone tell ya that Silicon Valley is sleepy and suburban.

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