Monday, February 16, 2009

Nerd Humour

I have a bit of a quirky sense of humour. (Starting with the fact that I still insist on spelling “humour” with a “u” despite having lived in the US for over a decade.) As a result, I enjoy anything witty and clever and I particularly appreciate plays on words.

When I was recently in New York, I saw the funniest t-shirt slogan I’d seen in a long time:

“Talk Nerdy to Me!” (accompanied by a line drawing of a computer, natch!)

Geek (or is that “nerd”?) that I am, I thought “I bet ‘talk nerdy to me’ is just the tip of the iceberg.” And lo and behold, after a couple of quick searches on both Kaboodle and Google, I found these t-shirt slogans:

“I logged off Second Life for this??”

“It’s not that I can’t explain it – it’s just that you wouldn’t understand”

“Alcohol and calculus don’t mix – don’t drink and derive”

“Ctrl + Alt + Delete is ALWAYS an option”

And my personal favourite:

< >
That’s a great idea.
< / sarcasm >

And here’s one I know my Dad will appreciate:

“If you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the precipitate”

(Chemist humour!)

PS (I started a t-shirt list on my Kaboodle profile.)

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