Saturday, March 17, 2007

False Advertising

Two days after spring had ALLEGEDLY sprung (see previous post), we were socked with the nastiest storm we've had all winter... about six inches of "snow" yesterday. I use the quotes for the same reason I used the word "allegedly" because to say this was actually snow would be a GROSS misrepresentation.

In the weather report, they cheerily report that what happened yesterday was, in fact, a "wintry mix". Sounds festive, right? Kind of like a cocktail? ("Ah yes, I'll have a Wintry Mix please! With Ketel One and of course I'll take sugar on the rim!")

Right. What "wintry mix" REALLY means is that there are ice pellets descending from the sky, pricking your face like 10,000 tiny pins. These are NOT the white, fluffy, "every-one-is-different" kinds of snowflakes that fairy tale winter scenes are made of. No, these are teeny little weapons, punishing you for every single step you take outside. (I saw one guy with the full ski goggle set wrapped around his face and thought THAT is the smartest thing I've seen all day.)

Hundreds of flights were cancelled yesterday out of JFK, Laguardia and Newark. And for those of you who are familiar with my plight (and that of thousands of other travelers) over President's Day weekend, you will appreciate that had I actually planned to travel this weekend, I would have been practically suicidal.

Last night, I ventured out to the grand opening of an art academy in midtown (definitely deserving of its own post, so more details to come) and after a fun evening of admiring exquisite pencil-on-paper studies and pieces, I attempted to hail a cab to get home.

First problem -- a number of streets were blocked off completely for the snowplows.

Second problem -- because the roads were SO bad, there were many fewer taxis on the city streets than normal.

Third problem -- not a single yellow cab had its beacon-like "i am available" lights on.

Bottom line? I ended up walking home from 44th and 5th. I think that's probably over a mile, which is no big deal, and I've done similar walks many times in the city, but add a wintry mix, three and four foot high snow piles to climb through at every single intersection and you have one grumpy displaced Canadian by the time she gets home.

The sun is out this morning and the ice pellets have ceased. It's actually quite a gorgeous looking day. But I'll refrain from claiming that spring has arrived. Instead, I'll think I'll order a Wintry Mix. And make it a double.


Chet said...
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Chet said...

Hey Shari, after a week of travels, I finally had the wonderful opportunity to meander through your new blog site. You certainly have a penchant for the pen (or keyboard rather). Your colorful commentary definitely has me missing NYC's adventures. Looking forward to more Manhattan musings.

Shari said...

Hey Chet! Great to hear from you and thanks for the comments! Let me know next time you're in NY so that I can blog about hanging out with a good friend from The OC. :)