Friday, March 23, 2007

My Second Life (or "How I Lost My Clothes")

Somewhere in Second Life, there is a confused avatar wandering around who looks somewhat like me but who just happens to be naked. Sigh. It’s a long story.

So, trying to keep up on all the developments in social media and social networking, I decided a while ago that I needed to immerse myself in Second Life. I registered (THANKFULLY I was smart enough NOT to use my real name!), and then embarked on the lengthy process of customizing my avatar to look just like me. (Ok, sort of like me, but BETTER! Second Life Shari is HOT – but in a completely girl-next-door way, of course!)

As I create Virtual Shari, I’m hanging about in a place called Orientation Island – a starting point where a bunch of avatars are just standing around while their real-world counterparts adjust the shape of their cheekbones and the size of their thighs. Nobody is really talking, but a few are testing out the “flying” capability (I think I almost jumped in the ocean accidentally).

Now that I have my hair the right length and the right amount of color in my cheeks, it’s time to do something about these jeans and t-shirt. There must be something better to wear. Oh look, here’s a menu item that says “remove all clothes”. Perfect. Then I can browse the catalog and pick some new wardrobe items. With a swift click of the mouse, I am now naked as a jaybird. (All hail the Second Life engineers who at least had the sense to make the avatars only about as anatomically correct as a Barbie doll.)

Now, where is that virtual closet… panic starts setting in as I cruise through all the menu items and THERE ARE NO CLOTHES TO PUT ON. Not only that, but I can’t even reclaim the jeans and t-shirt that I just so unceremoniously tossed aside. A guy in a Santa hat walks by and says “Whoa! Merry Christmas!!” For PETE’S SAKE. How the heck do I get dressed in this crazy world???

Ultimately, the only solution was to abandon Virtual Shari #1 and re-register under a new (and yes, still FAKE) name, re-create my online self, and give up my newly found exhibitionist tendencies.

So, NOW, Second Life is home to a Virtual Shari #2 who happens to look a little bit like me, but who is wearing the most adorable pair of jeans and classic white t-shirt.

1 comment:

cmiller said...

First, how did you ever come across this place? Second, totally sounds like something I would do! Loving the stories, but definitely making London sound boring in comparison to NYC! Hoping to have some random encounters soon to counter :-)