Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Just another day in NYC

Here's a snapshot my last 24 hours:

-- Nearly flashed the entire patio at Maison yesterday as the wind and my wrap-dress decided to conspire against me (and since it was 81 degrees here yesterday, the patio was full)

-- Had my first fight with a NY cab driver -- a definite rite of passage and my co-workers congratulated me on becoming a "true" New Yorker

-- broke the heel clean off my shoe (while walking down the street, thank you very much)

-- purchased krazy glue to fix said shoe

-- broke it AGAIN

-- put my finger through my pantyhose and created a run whose length would rival any marathon

-- feared important client data lost forever due to technical glitch

-- found and recovered important client data (whew!)

Wonder what TOMORROW will bring???

1 comment:

cmiller said...

My goodness! How is it possible that all of this happened to one person in one day! Hope the rest of your week is going better...still waiting to break my heel off in the cobblestones here.