Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Great White North

I'm just back from a quick trip back to Calgary to see my parents and you'll be surprised (or maybe not) to know that when I arrived, the ground was WHITE with SNOW. On May 24. For those of you keeping score at home, May 24 is less than one month before the first day of summer.

Clearly, I have not been that lucky with weather the past six months. (You'll remember me getting stranded in NY over President's Day, walking 30 blocks home in the worst snowstorm all winter, squishing around in shoes full of water on more than one occasion... and now snow at the end of May.) But alas, it was a freak storm that blew through and by the end of the day, the snow had melted and by the next day, it was warm and sunny again.

Special K and I had a fun time with my parents and my big sis and bro, Cathy and Jim. We also headed out to the mountains for the day on Saturday and enjoyed Lake Louise, Johnston's Canyon, Banff and a few other places in between. We saw a TON of elk, a few deer and even a black bear. (Didn't get outta the car for that one!)

The photo above is beautiful Lake Louise. Yes, it's still mostly covered in ice, but it's 5,000 feet above sea level. And after all, it was ONLY May 24.


Cathy K said...

We had a terrific time too.
Much like you, Special K is, as far as Jim and I can tell, pretty much perfect(only good karma on this one!)

Hope to see the both of you soon.

Shari said...

i know!! he's A-mazing! :-) can't wait to see you guys again soon! not so long between visits next time!