Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Miss Me?

Wow, how did almost 10 whole days go by since my last update?? I'll tell you how... It's called work. And fun. It's been a busy, busy week or so, but I have many, many updates, so get ready!

Today an unbelievable rainstorm enveloped the city -- which was quite a shock after numerous gorgeous sunny days with plus-70 degree weather.

The day started out hot and sunny, the humidity portending rain later in the day. Around 4:00, the temperature dropped from 82 to 65 degrees, the sky darkened abruptly making it look like about 8:00 at night instead of the middle of the afternoon. I know you're wondering why I'm writing about this, but it was incredible watching this storm roll in over a 10 - 15 minute period from our vantage point on the 37th floor, overlooking Central Park. Even growing up on the prairies, I don't think I've ever seen a storm move this fast and let loose with such focused vengeance. There were literally sheets of water blowing through the streets and whipping around the corners of buildings. The greenish-grey color of the sky was very "The Day After Tomorrow". Kinda creepy.

It's still raining tonight and my shoes were full of water by the time I got home. And that's WITH taking the bus! I swear I will never fully master the art of appropriate footwear in this city.


Cathy K said...

Well of course I miss you... I must check this site at least 3 or 4 times a day, hoping you have posted some amusing or truly poignant piece.

I get to live vicariously through you!

Cathy K said...

Of course, I won't be missing ya for week -- dinner (I think). Naturally, nothing as spectacular as New York.

Shari said...

Excellent! Can't wait to see you! And as for dinner, I long for a good home-cooked meal. As I mentioned, my apartment only lends itself to take-out and microwaving, so my home-cooked meals have been few and far between. See you next week!