Tuesday, October 2, 2007

If you need me, I'll be in the Hamptons, Dahling

So, after nearly a year in New York, I had still never been to Long Island. Technically, I'd been on the land mass that contains Long Island because of my numerous trips to JFK and LGA. But I'd never ventured beyond the air traffic controlled part of Nassau County until this past weekend. And then, I ended up going twice! (Making up for lost time, I guess.)

On Saturday, Nick, Reny (and wee Ryan), Sia (and puppy, Tad) and I piled in the car and headed out of the city to Cold Springs Harbor on Long Island. We packed the car with munchies and supplies as if we were embarking on a bona fide road trip instead of just a 35-mile jaunt outside the city.

We arrive in Cold Springs Harbor and immediately locate a cute little retaurant called Bedlam Street where we installed ourselves for lunch and a glass of wine. Bedlam advertises itself on its sign and menus as "Bedlam Street Fish and Clam Company". Ironically there was not a clam to be found on the menu and frankly, the fish was pretty sparse, too. I mean, come on -- you're right on the north shore of Long Island and you can't scare up a couple of decent fish dishes? I think the restaurant needs to consider a re-branding exercise: "Bedlam Street -- Nary a Sea Creature Company".

This was also the first time in my life (that I can recall, anyway) where we actually sent back the wine because it had turned and tasted no better than a fruity variety of vinegar. Ugh. (Side note: The ENTIRE time we were having lunch, little Tad the Maltese was in his sherpa bag/dog carrier under the table and didn't make a peep until we were standing up to leave... and even then, the waitress thought it was little Ryan who was "barking". Ha!)

After lunch and a leisurely stroll around the quaint main streets of this little hamlet, we wound our way around to the other side of the inlet where we spread out picnic blankets on the lawn of the Teddy Roosevelt mansion, Sagamore Hill, and enjoyed WAY too many of Sia's homemade chocolate chip cookies and then got organized to trek down to the beach.

How many grown-ups does it take to fasten together one snuggly for one 5 month-old to be safely transported to the beach? You don't want to know, trust me. Poor wee Ryan was infinitely patient as Reny, Sia and I tried to hook together this baby-carrying contraption so Nick could be a hands-free dad on the walk to the beach. I have no idea what they thought I could contribute to the process since I'm clearly a rookie, but after a number of attempts, and laughing 'til we cried, we finally got it right and Ryan seemed moderately tolerant of the whole situation.

I was back in the city Saturday night and less than 24 hours later, I was back in the car, stopping at LGA to pick up Debra and off we went to Southampton for a two-day management off-site. I was looking forward to going to the Hamptons, but frankly, since I only really the saw the inside of our meeting room at the Southampton Inn, we might as well have stayed in the middle of Manhattan. I can't wait to go back and explore -- I got just enough of a taste to be even more intrigued by the area.

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