Monday, October 8, 2007

Weird Day

I don't know what was going on today. Everything felt a little off kilter. I felt lethargic and tired all day. I was yawning before the clock even struck 10:00 am. When I got back from lunch, I felt like I could have easily passed out for a two-hour nap.

Walking home from work tonight, it felt like the city was grittier and dirtier than usual. There was more garbage on the streets and people seemed to be in fouler moods than normal. There seemed to be an abnormally large number of dogs barking at frantic pitches and a heightened level of sirens piercing the evening air.

AND to top it all off, I walked by a policeman (yes, a POLICEMAN) who had just finished relieving himself against a tree and was zipping up. Are you KIDDING me?? He would ARREST others for less than that. New York's finest indeed.

(The one redeeming thing about the day, however, was the absolutely spectacular sunset... the entire city and the Hudson River were positively glowing.)

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