Thursday, November 29, 2007

Turkey Day Redux

Special K and I spent Turkey Day in Dallas again this year with his mom, his siblings (and siblings-in-law) and 11 busy little bodies known as the "smellies". (Special K has 11 nieces and nephews, ranging in age from 5 months to 16 years.)

"Crazy Uncle K" masterfully wound the 2 - 10 year-old smellies and released them like spinning tops, watching them collide with furniture and with each other as they whirled around the house fueled by caramel apple dip and homemade fudge. He also doubled as a human jungle gym and any time I looked over, he had no fewer than three smellies hanging around his neck, from his arms or from his legs.

On Black Friday (as far as shopping goes, it's like Boxing Day for you Canadians out there), we took six of the smellies shopping. Oh. My. God. From Toys R Us to Game Stop to Circuit City, I could barely keep up. I'd look up in Toys R Us just in time to see the five-year old go peddling by the end of an aisle on a tricycle. Just as we were about to check out, a soccer ball was rather aggressively kicked and nearly took out an entire endcap display (never mind another customer). And to top it all off, the kids were bound and determined to somehow ride in the TRUNK of the rented Chevy Impala. (Can you say "You have the right to remain silent"?)

The biggest laugh-out-loud moment, however, actually happened on Friday evening. Special K's oldest niece is an extremely accomplished ballerina and she was dancing in a performance of The Nutcracker. Right after the "Waltz of the Flowers", in the quiet of the brief break just before "Pas de Deux: Adagio", a young man's voice rang clearly through the theatre with a plaintive "aw, man!" (sounding more like "meee-an") when he realized that the brief break was not actually the END of the performance.

Aw, man, we haven't even seen the "Dance of the Sugar-Plum Fairy" yet!

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