Sunday, July 20, 2008

Staycations -- A Sign of the Times

I'd love to take credit for the term "staycation", but I have to admit I read it in the Sunday New York Times this morning, in an article that described how more and more people are electing to stay home this summer instead of taking actual traveling vacations because of the skyrocketing price of gas and airfares.

While I love to travel and will take any opportunity possible to visit a place I've never been (near or far), I have discovered that a staycation is actually a great break and an excellent way to take a few days and recharge from an otherwise busy and draining work and life schedule.

After weeks of tossing around various travel ideas for the July 4th long weekend, Special K and I finally decided to stay local in Southern California and just check out for a few days. (It didn't help that I had been sick the few days prior to the weekend.) We stayed home for those three days and did nothing but barbecue, eat, go to the grocery store (for more bbq'ing provisions), read, nap, watch movies and lounge in the backyard. Complete with margaritas and Special K's special blended concoction of something fruity, icy and vaguely alcoholic, I actually did feel like I was on vacation... and all it cost was a few dollars in groceries.

Even better was the fact that we had three solid days of truly quality time together and by Monday morning, I felt more truly refreshed than I had in ages.

I will still always love to travel, but the staycation is definitely here to... well, stay.

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