Thursday, August 7, 2008

Almost Famous

I am huge at SNA and SJC.

No, unfortunately, those are not the must-be-in-the-know names of new, so-hip-it-hurts nightclubs. Those are the codes for the Orange County and San Jose airports respectively. I have now officially been traveling too much.

This week, I arrived at the Orange County airport for my flight where the American Airlines gate agent recognized me immediately and chatted hockey with me for a few minutes. (We had commiserated when the Pens lost the Stanley Cup this past season.)

When I arrived in San Jose, I went to pick up my rental car and even though I had to queue in the lane next to his, my buddy Ranjit spotted me and gave a big enthusiastic wave. Before I knew it, he had bounded over to my car (abandoning his own line of cars waiting to exit the lot) and was rapping on the passenger side window. As I rolled down the window, he stuck out his hand for a hearty handshake and exclaimed, "Sheddy!! How have you BEEN?? Haven't seen you in WEEKS!!"

And finally, when I arrived at my hotel that evening after a day at the office, the front desk clerk looked up and said "Hi, Ms. Gunn, we've been wondering where you were."

Seriously, I'm going to have to start wearing giant sunglasses and a baseball cap before the paparazzi start hanging out in the office parking lot at lunch.

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