Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Dove on a Roll

Dove just launched a new microsite with MSN and it features all of their short films (including my "Fried" video!)... Even though I know I'm biased, I really do appreciate the fact that not only does Dove use real women in their advertising, but that they also take the beauty industry head on and aim to debunk the myths about beauty that Hollywood and the media have helped create and enforce.

You've probably seen the film "Evolution" which was a tremendous viral success, but you may not have seen the other two and they are definitely worth checking out. "Onslaught" urges parents to reinforce healthy beauty-related messages with their daughters in order to combat the literal onslaught of unattainable images that we are bombarded with every day.

And "Amy" shows how we are our own toughest critics -- and generally without any good reason.

All the videos can be accessed here.

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