Thursday, April 24, 2008

Not My Best Week

Here are the highlights (lowlights?) of this week:

-- Got kicked in the you-know-what by the flu last Saturday night, making me miss the Long Beach Grand Prix on Sunday and resulting in a sick day from work on Monday.

-- Got on a flight Tuesday morning (probably shoulda stayed home an extra day) and paid the price during landing when my ears screamed in protest at the changes in air pressure. They continued to whine the rest of the day and everything sounded like I had water in both ears. (I had no idea that a sore throat could cause swelling that could wreak havoc on ears during flying -- I didn't have any congestion, so I thought I was safe. WRONG.)

-- My Calgary Flames lost in Game 7 of the Stanley Cup quarterfinals and the freaking game wasn't even on TV -- even though I was in NoCal and the Flames were playing San Jose. (As an aside, America, what is your DEAL? At least bring the NHL playoffs to some sort of mainstream channel, if not the regular season.) I listened to the game via 66CFR ("The Voice of the Flames") on the internet.

-- Went to the doctor on Wednesday afternoon and got some hardcore medication which made me feel sick to my stomach. Lovely.

-- Woke up Thursday morning only to find out that I had nearly completely lost my voice. Nothing above a whisper was possible. (Funniest thing was that everyone at the office has been whispering back at me, even though THEIR voices are fine.)

-- Due to lost voice, had to cancel a fun dinner Thursday night with a good friend whom I have not seen in ages. I figured pantomiming my way through dinner was something that neither she nor I would enjoy. (Plus, I suck at charades.)

Looking forward to seeing what NEXT week will bring!


cmiller said...

Hope you're feeling better and that this week is going well. Why do bad things always seem to happen at once?? Big hug!

Shari said...

Thanks! I mostly have my voice back (much to everyone's chagrin!), so I think I'm pretty much on the mend. Just in time to travel back across the country! :)