Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Who's Pressing the Fast Forward Button??

Honestly, it really feels like life is in fast forward these days. Even the flight attendant on the flight home tonight sounded more like an auctioneer as she spat out the standard "here's how to fasten your seat belt" safety messages before we took off. (I swear she didn't take a single breath during the entire speech.)

It's already 9:30 pm and all I want to do is relax a bit and take a deep breath, but even though I just walked in the door, I already feel pressured to get organized for my next trip (I'm leaving again Friday) by unpacking (so I can re-pack), sorting laundry, paying bills and emptying the latest moldly casualties out of the fridge. And I'll rush to get all of that done so I can rush off to bed by a decent hour, all so I can bound out of bed in the morning to rush to the office to begin knocking things off of a fresh "to do" list.

What is that saying again? Something about it not mattering whether you win or lose the rat race, you're still a rat...

I think it's time to locate the "pause" button for just a little bit...

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