Thursday, April 3, 2008

Let Sleeping Trash Lie

Ok, here's something random.... I just got back to my hotel and when I turned the lamp on, I saw a piece of paper lying on the desk. Not that unusual, except that this piece of paper was one that I had crumpled up last night and tossed into the trash bin. Apparently, some over-achieving chamber maid fished my balled up note paper out of the trash and oh-so-graciously smoothed it out for me and left it just in case I had tossed it accidentally.

This threw me off so much that I actually had to have a very close look at the trash can to make sure I hadn't mistaken it for some piece of uber-modern, minimalist art.

Too bad I'm checking out in the morning -- I could run some interesting experiments to see what (if anything) is worthy enough to actually remain in the bin.

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