Wednesday, June 11, 2008


In the last few days, I seem to have come across more random spelling mistakes and grammar usage issues than usual. (Part of it is due to the fact that I'm in the middle of reviewing resumes right now and it amazes me how many people do not either spellcheck nor proofread their resumes or cover letters.)

Here's a sample:

On a resume: "I want to work in a fast past environment."
(I really need candidates who want to work in the present.)

On another resume: "Created and implemented repoire and customer development techniques"
("Repoire"? Do you mean "rapport"? Not sure you can really implement rapport.... or repoire for that matter.)

On a giant poster in my gym, advertising the personal training services: "Positivily changing lives"
(Bet that was a $500 dollar spelling mistake.)

In one of the little stop-and-go restaurants on 9th that serves a variety of Japanese fare, this label was on a number of rolls in the cooler: "Phiradelphia rolls"
(That is just plain cute.)

And finally, at another restaurant on 9th, the handwritten portion of the menu that featured the specials also featured these gems: "Grill sparragus", "Calomatto olives" and "tamatoe mesclum salad".
(I really wanted to order the sparragus just to see what would actually be delivered to the table!)


Unknown said...

you should go check out, it's pretty amusing.

Shari said...

LOVE it!

cmiller said...

Ha ha, reminds me of Spain and the sandwich with two pieces of bread :-)

cmiller said...

Ha ha, reminds me of Spain and the sandwich with two pieces of break :-)

Shari said...

EXACTLY! "Sandwich... with BREAD!! Ta da!!" Love it.