Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum

Here is a sampling of some of the random things that I have encountered on my way back and forth to work in the last few weeks:

- I have been nearly run over by a taxi (twice) and other regular passenger vehicles (too many times to count).

- Saw a very proper woman, seated primly with erect posture on a scooter buzzing up Broadway – not so unusual except she was wearing a fairly formal gown. And an equestrian hat as a helmet.

- P Diddy (just once) and P Diddy’s Maybach (at least once every two weeks or so).

- Dead cockroaches on the street (better than live ones, I guess).

- Many rats roaming around, especially in the construction zone in front of my building (and they are FAR from dead).

- Saw Rupert from the Hello Deli.

- A guy unzipping to pee against a building in broad daylight. Buddy, you are NOT a Golden Retriever out for a walk.

- And some poor deluded soul actually asked me for my autograph one morning.


cmiller said...

Glad that NYC is keeping you entertained. Sounds like some fun people watching to be had - I've seen women in full business attire on bicycles, with skirts, which always makes laugh. And the highlight of my walk to the tube is the guy who hands out the free london lite newspapers by Green Park..I think he must say "Free London Lite" about a million times a day, and by the way, it sounds nothing like "London Lite" because he says it so fast...it's more like Lonlite. Gotta love the little things that make our days interesting! Hope you are well.

Shari said...

Hey there! Glad you're back in London safe and sound after your SoCal tour. And grab a Lonlite on your way to work, would ya? :)