Monday, July 9, 2007

Nerd Humour

So, this post really has nothing to do with New York per se, except for the fact that the t-shirt I saw which prompted this post was on the body of some random New Yorker walking down the street today. Funniest t-shirt slogan I've seen in a long time:

"Talk Nerdy to Me!"

(accompanied by a line drawing of a computer, natch!)


Cathy K said...


Ages ago, at a Fleetwood Mac concert (Shari, it was outside at the grandstand at the Stampede grounds if that gives you a timeframe), and shortly after the best seller book, "I'm Okay; You're Okay" came out, a guy was walking up the stairs with a t-shirt reading:
"I'm Okay; You're a Dink"

I have no idea why, but it makes me giggle everytime I think about it.


Shari said...

Ok, THAT made me laugh. A LOT.

Just to prove how much of a nerd I really am, I LOVE this one:

"Alcohol and calculus don't mix -- don't drink and derive"

Nick said...

What's a dink? Is that Canadian?

Cathy K said...

It's sort of the euphemistic expression for being a pr*ck or a jerk ... you know, the complete opposite of the warm and fuzzy, touchy feely, I'm okay and you're okay and now we can sing the Coke song together....

Or are you just being cute?!

cmiller said...

Not along the nerdy lines, but think my favourite shirt that I've seen (and was tempted to buy and wear to the airport on my next trip home) said: "If you think I'm a B****, just wait until you meet my mom" Not that it's true at all, but definitely made me laugh!

Shari said...

Funny! Your mom would have been THRILLED picking you up at the airport with you wearing a shirt like THAT! :)