Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Bad Blogger

I know I've been a bit remiss in keeping my blog up to date in the last little bit. I'm a bad blogger. But I promise I'll reform. (Not in the Paris Hilton "I've found Jesus and now I know my path... or wait, maybe it's just that I've actually been sober for a few weeks now" kind of way, but I'm just saying that I will continue to update.... just bear with me and my crazy schedule.)

I've had back-to-back cross-country trips the last two weeks and looks like I have another coming up next week. Got some quality time with Special K this past weekend, including Angels/Pirates baseball game on Friday night (with PJ) and then the Foo Fighters/Police concert at Dodger Stadium on Saturday night (with PJ, Special K's sis and her friend). GREAT concert -- The Foo's are amazing in person and Sting still brings it. Aside from Sarah McLachlan, Sting is the only other artist I've seen live who sounds practically the same live as he does on CD.

Last week, Jason R was in town from LA, so I managed to catch up with him, his cousin and his niece for dinner at Isabella's on the Upper West Side. (And classic New York small world story -- his cousin knows a woman I work with. Of course she does.) I joined them a bit late because earlier that evening, we had a mini biz school reunion over at Nick and Reny's. Deb was in town (haven't seen her in years!) and Nigel and Felicia came over. And with impeccable timing, Jackie called Nick while we were all there and we all got to talk to her. I think we convinced her to leave SF behind for a weekend to come out and see us. (Sharon, if you're reading this, make sure you and Jackie get a trip on the calendar soon! We miss you!)

This entry's pics? PJ and Special K at the baseball game and Special K and yours truly in the limo on the way to the Police concert.

(Oh!!! I almost forgot to mention that a white Honda Accord hit us on the 101 fwy after the concert.... movie stunt drivers have nothin' on Jim, the limo driver, as he deftly maneuvered the stretch limo at high speeds to get close enough to the white Accord to get a license plate number. Go, Jim, go!!)

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