Sunday, June 3, 2007

Give me a MOMA-ent, please

Faced with a glorious Sunday ahead of me, I decided to finally head to the Museum Of Modern Art since I've not yet been since I moved to the Apple.

I was thrilled to see van Gogh's "The Starry Night" and Picasso's "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon", two pieces that irrefutably impacted the evolution of art in the twentieth century. Of course, I also loved the works by Monet, Cezanne, Gaugin, Seurat (I am an Impressionist groupie!!) and I definitely appreciated the paintings by Dali, Kandinsky, Liechtenstein and Warhol.

But I think the work that had the biggest impact on me was the four-storey high mural on two of the walls in MoMA's main atrium. The work is called "What Happened to Us?" (where the "Us" could mean "us", as in you and me, or it could mean the US, as in the United States), and it is a witty and clever compilation of images and messages, inspired by current events and issues.

The artist is Romanian Dan Perjovshci, who makes his drawings spontaneously in public museum spaces, allowing the public to look on. The images themselves are simple -- no more than line drawings done with a heavy Jiffy marker, but the message behind each of them is profound and brilliant. Apparently, Perjovshci worked on the mural for two weeks (during museum hours) before the official opening of the exhibit. (I wish I had known about THAT!!)

But enough of me trying to explain... you need to watch these two videos to get full appreciation of the work itself and the effort it took to complete it:

And here is part 2!


Chet said...

Sounds like a great Sunday afternoon. You left off a great Italian artist from your list, "Amedeo Clemente Modigliani". He has quite a few pieces there including "Reclining Nude". Continue to enjoy the NY culture.

Shari said...

oh, yes, love modigliani too. :) enjoying every moment of the culture here, that's for sure! are you coming to NY any time soon?