Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Hot town, summer in the city

Back of my neck IS getting dirty and gritty. How could it not when it's 95 degrees and like a sauna out there?? After winter, we had spring for about 32 minutes and then headed straight for 90 degrees and we have not looked back.

Seriously, it has been in the 80s and 90s for weeks now. The major consequences of this kind of summer weather? Well, here's a few:

- INSANE thunder storms that roll in in a matter of minutes and flood the streets in only minutes more. (Again, picture me walking home with more water IN my shoes than out.)

- Super curly hair that will not be tamed by even the most effective no-frizz serums. (I have not blow dried my hair for weeks now -- there is no point.)

- The less-than-perfect climate control in our office now has half of our floor sweltering in unbearable heat for the second half of the day because as the sun comes around in the afternoon, there is no stopping the heat from building up inside.

- People walking around the streets in far less clothes than they should be, simply because they are trying to keep cool.

- Every piece of clothing that you are wearing sticking to you within three minutes of exiting any building and stepping outside.

But don't get me wrong! I will take this interesting experiment of heat + humidity over the 10 degrees Fahrenheit days in February and March ANY time.


Unknown said...

Just think, summer just started. It's only going to get hotter from here. =(

Shari said...

i know!!! it's pretty crazy. but again, i still pick "heat wave" over "ice storm". :)

Cathy K said...

Nooooooo.... sorry, i will take the freezing bitter cold any day over heat..... no heat, no bugs, don't have to mow the grass, no poisonous snakes....the list goes on and on :)

Shari said...

Yes, but the cold actually HURTS where the heat just makes me sleepy. :)