Monday, June 18, 2007

The Glam Squad

That's right, I have a Glam Squad. Ok, well, I had a Glam Squad. For two days (two LONG days), they primped me non-stop, changed my look almost a dozen times, gave me great hairstyling and make-up tips, and just generally turned the whole process into one laugh after another.

So, you've already met Joseph in the previous post.... although clearly gay, Joseph was always saying something provocative to me, insinuating more than would be appropriate from any straight man. Then there's Robin (make-up) who, as it turns out, used to be in online marketing before she turned "hollywood"... and finally, there's Damian, my main stylist and co-star in the video. He looks slightly like Kevin Kline, but with an edge... skinny handlebar moustache, perfectly waxed and twisted, giving him an air of permanent mischievousness. He wears heavy black eyeliner, a tattered black bandana coiled around his neck, gold Adidas runners, and a plaid suit with giant ink splatters as part of the actual pattern.

We are a motley crew of ragamuffins for sure, but they're the Glam Squad -- how can you not love 'em?


KR said...

LOVE reading about your great adventures! What an experience! Love the bob too although I have to say I agree with CM in that it's wild seeing you as a blonde! You look gorgeous every way they styled you!

Shari said...

There have been some pretty random adventures so far, that's for sure! Everyone says that the blonde bob looks very Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman -- see, AGAIN with the hooker reference!!