Sunday, April 8, 2007

Designer Shari!

Thanks to my good friend, Kate, I have been introduced to a very fun web site, Design-Her Gals where you can create an illustrated likeness of yourself sort of like you can in Second Life. However, unlike Second Life, I did NOT lose my clothes and VERY unlike Second Life, there is an extensive wardrobe of fun items to experiment with. (You can even order personalized stationery with your designer self printed on it!)

Here's Professional Shari and Weekend Shari. (Granted, Weekend Shari is somewhat aspirational with Mr. Barky Von Schnauzer on the leash.)


Nick said...

That's fun! Is it too girly of me to wonder how I can find the boy version?

Shari said...

I know, very fun, right! We should build a boy version!

KR said...

Isn't it totally addictive? So glad you're having fun with it!

TISH THA ISH said...

those cartoon versions of you are so spot-on!