Monday, April 2, 2007

I've got (NY Times) Style!

So, the very same wrap dress that nearly allowed me to complete the "I see London, I see France" rhyme with my very own personal ending last week actually landed me in the NY Times Sunday Styles section in yesterday's paper! How about THAT?

Remember my Crazy New York Day from last week (broken heel, fight with cabbie etc)? Well, apparently, a very subtle photog managed to capture me on my way back from a client meeting. Kind of makes the fact that one of my favourite pairs of shoes is probably ruined feel like not quite so much of a tragedy.

Who's "hokey" NOW, baby?


Cathy K said...

Well you little fashion file you!

Shari said...

LOL! Purely a case of being in the right place at the right time!

TISH THA ISH said...

LOL -- Best picture ever!