Saturday, April 14, 2007

Good Things Come in Three's

I can always count on my wonderful friend, KR, to send around those fun "get to know your friends" emails where you respond to a list of 20 or 30 questions and forward your answers to another group of friends in order to try and keep the chain going. Once again, KR has provided similar inspiration, this time "tagging" me with the challenge of completing the following mini lists.

Three things that scare me:
- Failure
- Losing a loved one
- Disappointing those who love me

Three people who make me laugh:
- Special K with his undeniable wit and cleverness
- Lisa-Lou-Who (even via email and IM!)
- Cricket and Solexy -- when the three of us are together, someone is sure to spray Coke out her nose

Three things I hate:
- Dishonesty and disloyalty
- Nor'easters in the middle of April
- Leaking boots in the middle of a nor'easter in the middle of April

Three things on my desk:
- Black & white photo of me and Special K in black leather frame with contrast white stitching
- About two dozen client RFP's that are in various stages of being developed, pitched or executed
- Half-full bottle of Poland Springs water

Three things I'm doing right now:
- Planning how I'm going to take advantage of this gorgeous sunny day
- Sipping a hot chocolate (not the same when I make it in the microwave; see "favorite foods" below)
- Listening to the constant drone of traffic and city noises outside my window, punctuated with the odd dog bark (which sounds remarkably clear and close, considering I'm on the 17th floor)

Three things I'd like to do before I die:
- Host a TV show
- Write a book (and publish it!)
- Take voice lessons and learn to sing

Three things I can do:
- Draw (pencil and charcoal) and paint (oils and acrylics)
- Basic Bhangra, Rajasthani and Bollywood-type dance moves
- Speak French

Three things I think you should listen to:
- The lyrics to almost any Barenaked Ladies song -- they are fun, but dead clever at the same time
- The great stories your family members tell you about family history, when they were kids, when you were a kid...
- Your heart

Three favorite foods:
- Barbecued steak dinner (especially with my Dad's marinade and my Mom's onion potatoes!)
- Cheese enchiladas from Wahoo's
- Hot chocolate made on the stovetop (Special K's is unrivaled!)

Three shows I watched as a kid:
- Happy Days
- Dukes of Hazzard (why were the doors of the General Lee stuck shut??)
- Solid Gold (Remember that??? I thought the Solid Gold dancers were SO cool.)

Three things I regret:
- Not going to study abroad when I was in high school or college
- Not staying in closer contact with some old friends
- Not taking out a huge loan to buy half of Los Angeles when I first moved there!


KR said...

Thank you thank you thank you for indulging me! You know how I love these!!!!!

Cathy K said...

Three things you fear....

Failure--ain't gonna happen, well at least nothing that is of consequence...

Disappointing those who love me... again, NOT, and I do mean NOT going to happen.

Baby sister, you are perfect (and don't let anyone tell you otherwise).


Shari said...

CK, you're gonna make me cry. In a good way, of course. :) Need to see you SOON!!